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McKinney, Murchison subdue Corral

McKinney & MurchisonMBGFR President Tom McKinney and guest Jim Murchison combined for a best ball 62 to take first place honors at our Corral De Tierra tournament on April 14. Second place went to the team of Gerry Schock and Geary Engles (63) and Jim Pescatore and Don Hutton (64) took the third place money. Pescatore also took home closest to the flagstick money on #17 and Sid Williams claimed the cash on hole #8. 

Although he didn't finish in the money, Doug Berg had the thrill of the day when he recording his first-ever hole-in-one on the 130 yard fourth hole. Doug got to purchase $116 worth of drinks and was awarded the hole flag by Corral De Tierra Head Golf Professional Scott Ferreira. All tournament participants signed the flag. Congratulations, Doug!

Thanks to Jim Pescatore for making arrangements for our April event. Fourteen Da Man!players enjoyed a beautiful day at Corral (and a free drink!)

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