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Munoz claims Quail Lodge Title

New member Lindsay Munoz shot a net 71 to claim low net honors at our June MBGFR outing at Quail Lodge Golf Course. The event, held Saturday, June 11, drew 17 participants.

Mike Derr (72) edged Dennis Dolley (72) in a card off fior second place and Steve Horvath (76) won a card off with Bill Frazier (76) for fourth.

Low gross was Steve Carnes and second low cross went to Dolley.

Closest to the flagstick money went to Dick Trotter and Horvath.

MBGFR President Tom McKinney managed a 102 in his first round back after breaking his arm several months ago.

Thanks to Geary Engles for hosting this event and thanks to Perla Tarsitano, a Quail Lodge member, for securing the course.

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