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Guest edges Trotter for Corral win

John GiammancoGuest John Giammanco fired a 77, net 71, to take home the first place honors at our April MBGFR event at Corral de Tierra Country Club in Salinas. Giammanco edged Dick Trotter (72) for the win while third place went to tournament host Jim Pescatore (74) who nosed out Larry Benevento (74) in a card off.

Closest to the flagstick money went to Geary Engles and Mike Laughlin.

Thirteen players participated in the event on an overcast Saturday. Many players complained about the hardness and speed of the greens.....one perennial Trotter Cup favorite counted 45 putts in his disappointing round.

Thanks to MBGFR member Jim Pescatore for hosting this event!

Trotter Cup leader Larry Benevento gets a C- for driving accuracy.

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