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Ed Harris

Ed hails from St. Louis, Missouri, past home of Anheuser-Busch, Ralston Purina and Boeing. They all left and, after 50 years, he did also! Ed spent 32 years with the Rotary Club of St. Louis, Club #11. He served on the Endowment Fund committee and was the Community Service Chair when he moved west to Nipomo, CA in 2016. Ed spent his working career as a Certified Financial Planner with Edward Jones. He is currently the Community Service Chair for the Rotary Club of Nipomo. Ed says he was introduced to the MBGFR through "sweet swinging" Mike Laughlin. Ed's wife, Kathy, got to know Lynn Laughlin through the local knitting and stitching group. Ed played in both of our Central Coast tournaments this year and says he looks forward to the fellowship and dinners which "hopefully can sooth my ego after hacking it around on the golf course." Welcome, Ed!

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